{* To modify and rearrange content blocks in your storefront pages
or change the page structure, use the layout editor under Design->Layouts
in your admin panel.
There, you can:
* modify the page layout
* make it fluid or static
* set the number of columns
* add, remove, and move blocks
* change block templates and types and more.
You only need to edit a .tpl file to create a new template
or modify an existing one; often, this is not the case.
Basic layouting concepts:
This theme uses the Twitter Bootstrap 2.3 CSS framework.
A layout consists of four containers (CSS class .container):
Containers are partitioned with fixed-width grids (CSS classes .span1, .span2, etc.).
Content blocks live inside grids. You can drag'n'drop blocks
from grid to grid in the layout editor.
A block represents a certain content type (e.g. products)
and uses a certain template to display it (e.g. list with thumbnails).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="{$smarty.const.CART_LANGUAGE}">
{capture name="title"}
{hook name="index:title"}
{if $page_title}
{foreach from=$breadcrumbs item=i name="bkt"}
{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.first}{$i.title|strip_tags}{if !$smarty.foreach.bkt.last} :: {/if}{/if}
{if !$skip_page_title && $location_data.title}{if $breadcrumbs|count > 1} - {/if}{$location_data.title}{/if}
<title>{$smarty.capture.title|strip|trim nofilter}</title>
{include file="meta.tpl"}
<link href="{$logos.favicon.image.image_path}" rel="shortcut icon" />
{include file="common/styles.tpl" include_dropdown=true}
{include file="common/scripts.tpl"}
{if $runtime.customization_mode.design}
{include file="common/toolbar.tpl" title=__("on_site_template_editing") href="customization.disable_mode?type=design"}
{if $runtime.customization_mode.live_editor}
{include file="common/toolbar.tpl" title=__("on_site_live_editing") href="customization.disable_mode?type=live_editor"}
{if "THEMES_PANEL"|defined}
{include file="demo_theme_selector.tpl"}
<div class="ty-tygh {if $runtime.customization_mode.theme_editor}te-mode{/if} {if $runtime.customization_mode.live_editor || $runtime.customization_mode.design}ty-top-panel-padding{/if}" id="tygh_container">
{include file="common/loading_box.tpl"}
{include file="common/notification.tpl"}
<div class="ty-helper-container" id="tygh_main_container">
{hook name="index:content"}
{if $runtime.customization_mode.design}
{include file="common/template_editor.tpl"}
{if $runtime.customization_mode.theme_editor}
{include file="common/theme_editor.tpl"}
{hook name="index:footer"}{/hook}